York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills Book 8--Labor Complaints 24 September 1689 Whereas William Mansfeild being brought to this Court for the abuseing and Ill usage of his servant Girle Mary Tabb shee being in a very Lambe Condicon, and the said Mansfeild takeing Litle Care in useing Meanes for her Cure, Therefore mr. Robt: Read is desired by the Court to take Care of the sd Tabb & Ordered that the said Mansfeild pay the Charges that the said mr. Read shall be att for her accomendations and useing meanes for the [illeg] Cure [illeg] Curing of her said Lambeness als Exec. Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (8) 312. 26 May 1690 Whereas Thomas Thorpe and Ellinor his Wife sued Robt: Green to this Court, and in their peticon declares, that they did binde Richd: Gilbert there son [illeg] An apprentice to ye. Defent. for the space of nine yeares by an Indenture under hand and seale to bee Instructed and taught in ye. Arte & Mistery of a tayler, and to teach or Cause to bee taught to read & to write a Leagable hand, and not to Imploy him to Labour in the Grownd, Excepting in helping to make Corne for the Defendts: famely, but ye. Defendt: without regard to the said Indenture, Dayley keeps the said apprentice to Labour in the Ground from year to year, and omitts giveing him Learning or teach him his trade, which is to ye. said Apprentice utter Rewing & undoing, Therefore itt is ordered that ye. said Robt: Green doe at ye. next Court Enter into a Bond of 4000 lb: tobacco & Cask with good and sufficient security for his true pformance of ye. said Indenture, and to fulfill Every Clause and Artickle therein Expressed according to ye. true Intent and meaning of the same. Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (8) 417.